The DyRes System project published “Guidelines for dynamic resilience assessment” aiming to enhance the predictive power in resilience assessment of the complex water system taking into account the hydroenergetic, flood, and environmental system resilience. Guidelines for dynamic resilience assessment include several project and dissemination activities given as follows: • Introduction; • Dissemination activities; • Main […]
Category: News
We are proud to announce that the final meeting at the DyRes System project funded by the Science Fond of the Republic of Serbia was hald on 11.07.2022. For this purpose, a live event was organized by the WSDAC Unesco’s Centre 2 category via the Microsoft Teams application. Jaroslav Černi Water Institute coordinates the project […]
On 4th July 2022 in Paris, during its 1st meeting on open-ended Working Groups on IHP-IX Implementation, representatives of Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme and their members discussed the modalities of work at different levels (activities, outputs, priority areas) and elected respective chairpersons and vice-chairpersons for each working-group. The meeting was held online and coordinated by IHP […]
WSDAC in cooperation with the IRTCUD Center, Water Institute Jaroslav Černi and the expert team of the HORISONT 2020 Project “EuPOLIS” will organize a workshop on Nature-based solutions of urban hydrotechnical infrastructure under the impact of climate change, on August 23rd, 2022. The Strategic Plan for the ninth phase of the Intergovernmental Hydrological Program (IHP-IX) […]
From April 26 to 29, the 25th session of the Intergovernmental Council of UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP) was held successfully at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France. A 25th ordinary session was organized as a hybrid modality (headquarter and online). The attendees included more than 30 Member States, as well as the water-related departments of […]
The G-WADI Global Secretariat organized a meeting on April 14, 2022. During the meeting, the participants discussed the improvement of G-WADI according to the new guidelines of the main program, strengthening regional activities and synergies with other IHP flagship initiatives (IFI, IDI, FRIEND, ISI, WLRI). Representatives of WSDAC, Mr. Miodrag Milovanović and Dr Brankica Majkić-Dursun, […]
Serbian National Committee for International Hydrology Programme organized Celebration of the World Water Day on the Faculty of Civil Engineering. The campaign title is ‘Groundwater – making the invisible visible’. Groundwater provides almost half of all drinking water worldwide, around 40% of the water used in irrigation and about one third of the supply required […]
In order to strengthen cooperation of different national focal points, exchange of experiences and knowledge in the field of climate change and their impact on the environment, WSDAC and WWF Adria jointly organize a Webinar “Impacts of Climate Change on the Quality of Surface Waters in the Republic of Serbia and recommendations ”. The webinar […]
We are proud to announce that the newly launched DyRes System project Funded by the Science Fond of the Republic of Serbia kicked off on the 30th September 2020. For this purpose, live event and open discussion were organized by the WSDAC 2nd category Centre under the auspices of UNESCO via the Microsoft Teams application. […]
UNESCO’s “Next Normal” campaign
UNESCO campaign challenges our perceptions of what back to normal should mean in the post-COVID-19 era.