Under the auspices of the UNESCO WSDAC Center, a workshop entitled Application of Machine Learning in Solving Global Challenges in the Field of Water and Energy was organized last week at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Kragujevac. In addition to the associates of the Center for Computer Modeling and Optimization of the […]
Category: Participation
The UNESCO Regional Bureau of Science and Culture in Europe organised a high-level MAB-IHP Regional Symposium at its premises in Venice, on 16-17 December 2021, with the aim of contributing to sustainable water management in the biosphere reserves of South-East Europe and the Mediterranean. The event convened 35 participants from MAB and IHP National Committees, […]
The UNESCO Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP), founded in 1975, is a long-term Programme executed in successive eight-year phases. Its programmatic focus has gone through a profound transformation from a single discipline mode, to a multi-disciplinary undertaking, aimed at advancing hydrological knowledge through supporting scientific research and educational programmes. Ever since the early 2000s, with the […]
The representatives of the WSDAC Center and Jaroslav Černi Water Institute, participate in an online meeting named Climate change talks – ahead of the Glasgow conference, organized by UNDP on 22.September 2021. The Goal of the Event was to present Serbia’s increased climate ambition and related climate actions and initiate a stakeholders’ dialogue. With the […]
Representatives of WSDAC and Jaroslav Cerni Water Institute (Miodrag Milovanović, Dragana Ninković and dr Brankica Majkić-Dursun) participated in the Open seminar Nature in the City: Belgrade and Climate Change, November 31st 2019 at the Centre of the Promotion of Science, Belgrade
Director of WSDAC, dr Brankica Majkić-Dursun participated at Water Symposium – UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe, Venice, Italy, on March 29th, 2019. Report from the Venice Meeting and Symposium, March 28-29, 2019. Here is a brief report from the First Regional Water Family Meeting and Water Symposium – UNESCO Regional Bureau […]

Director of WSDAC, dr Brankica Majkić-Dursun participated in the First Regional Water Family Meeting at UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe, Venice, Italy, on March 28th, 2019.

WSDAC`s Representatives (dr Brankica Majkić-Dursun, prof. dr Stevan Prohaska and Miodrag Milovanović) participated in National Celebration of International World Water Day held on Faculty of Civil engineering on March 25th, 2019. National IHP Committee organized the celebration. Director of WSDAC presented official WWDR Raport for 2019.

Participated in International Seminar „Rainwater Harvesting Techniques – Towards Effective Adaptation Strategies“, held by Sudan UNESCO Centre 2nd Category RCWH and GWADI Programme, Khartoum, Sudan, 26-28. September 2018. Nikola Zlatanović represented WSDAC.

Participation in working meeting – African, Arabian and Asian G‐WADI Secretariat in Khartoum, Sudan, on September 25, 2018 when Nikola Zlatanović represented WSDAC.