The means and methods of remote sensing and eco‐hydrology in arid regions were the main topics of the International Workshop, organized by the Asian G‐WADI Secretariat (UNESCO’s programme for Water and Information Development in Arid Areas – a Global Network (G‐WADI)), between September 16th and 19th 2013 in Beijing.
The workshop, which was held at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, was attended by over 60 participants, including 20 renowned experts, who all presented papers in their fields of expertise.
Assistant Director of the “Jaroslav Cerni” Institute for the Development of Water Resources, Mr. Miodrag Milovanovic, B.Sc also attended the meeting with his presentation “Water Management, Droughts and Climate Change in South East Europe”, representing the Institute and the UNESCO’s Category 2 Centre: „Water for Sustainable Development and Adaptation to ClimateChange” (WSDAC), which operates within the “Jaroslav Cerni” Institute.