2024 News

Participation as invited speakers on a training – course on the “General elements of monitoring, protection, and use of groundwater in North Macedonia”

On December 18, 2024, Dr. Brankica Majkić-Dursun and Miodrag Milovanović, as invited guest speakers, gave an lecture at the training course on the General elements of monitoring, protection and use of groundwater in North Macedonia, organized by the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje on the topic “Implementation of projects related to groundwater in Serbia”. The course organized in the framework of the recently launched Groundwater Management, Use and Protection Programme in North Macedonia – Phase 1, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The Programme is implemented by a consortium of Skat Consulting Ltd (Switzerland) and PointPro Consulting (North Macedonia) in partnership with a wide range of partners at national, regional and local level in North Macedonia. This course is mainly related to Central Level Institutions (CLI) and Civil Society Organizations (CSO) in North Macedonia.  

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