USDA United States Department of Agriculture and The Nature Conservancy organized Balkans Dam Safety – Best Practices Workshop on 26-27. March 2024. The main objective of the workshop was to present best practices in dam management in the United States, as well as to review the situation and discuss dam management practices in Serbia and North Macedonia. Kelly M. Brom, P.E., M.Eng. from US Forest Service as the national dam program manager in the Washington, D.C. Office presented experiences in dam management under the jurisdiction of the USDA Forest Service in the United States. The director of the WSDAC center participated in a workshop with a presentation on “Management of Large Dams in Serbia”. Representatives from the Ministry of Environmental Protection, PWC Srbijavode, Jaroslav Černi Institute for Water, Provincial Institute for Environmental Protection, NGOs and colleagues from North Macedonia participated in the workshop.
Photo Presentation “Management of Large Dams in Serbia”