From April 26 to 29, the 25th session of the Intergovernmental Council of UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP) was held successfully at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France. A 25th ordinary session was organized as a hybrid modality (headquarter and online). The attendees included more than 30 Member States, as well as the water-related departments of the UN, IHP National Committees, Water Centers representatives and key partners. The session was presided over by Yu Zhongbo, Chairperson of the IHP’s Intergovernmental Council. The session discussed the statements of Member States and partners in contributing to IHP-IX (2022-2029) implementation, IHP Flagships and Major Initiatives framework, and their contribution to the implementation of IHP-IX. The session adopted the Framework for the Planning, Implementation and Monitoring of IHP Flagship Initiatives and approved the establishment of eight thematic working groups and related terms of reference in support of the operational implementation of IHP-IX.
Serbian National Committee for the IHP of UNESCO represented by prof. Dr Jovan Despotović while the WSDAC Centre is represented by director Dr Brankica Majkić-Dursun.
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