As part of regional cooperation on December 13, 2023, a presentation of the hydro-meteorological system for early warning and flood forecasting in the Kolubara watershed was conducted. Representatives from the civil protection agencies of the cities of Banja Luka, Prijedor, and Gradiška from the Republic of Srpska attended the workshop. The operation of the system was demonstrated, and experiences in the development and implementation of the observational network of stations, mathematical models, and software components comprising the early warning system were presented. This activity was implemented within Priority Area 4 – IHP IX (Integrated water resources management under conditions of global change), Output 4.2.4 – Implementation of Flood and Drought Early Warning Systems (FEWS) to monitor floods and droughts in different river basins and to inform river management decisions. Workshop was organized together with PWC „Srbijavode“ and Jaroslav Černi Water Institute.
Presentation of the early warning system at PWC “Srbijavode” on December 13, 2023.