2021 Participation

Contribution in UNESCO IHP Programme-IX Phase preparation (Science for a Water Secure World in a Changing Environment)

The UNESCO Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP), founded in 1975, is a long-term Programme executed in successive eight-year phases. Its programmatic focus has gone through a profound transformation from a single discipline mode, to a multi-disciplinary undertaking, aimed at advancing hydrological knowledge through supporting scientific research and educational programmes. Ever since the early 2000s, with the increased presence of social science components, including important growth in the quality and quantity of citizen science inputs, IHP has been evolving into a truly transdisciplinary undertaking. This progress has capitalized on the recognition that solutions to the world’s water-related problems are not just technical, engineering or natural science issues, but have strong human and socio-cultural dimensions, where social sciences play an increasingly important role. The IHP is a mature programme with the capacity of addressing critical and immediate future water challenges.

The Strategic Plan for the ninth phase of the Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP-IX) covering 2022-2029 identifies key water priority areas to support Members States to achieve Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially water-related SDGs and other water-related global agendas, such as the Paris agreement on climate change, Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and the New Urban Agenda (NUA).

The purpose of this strategic plan is to outline a compelling and strategic focus for the Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme for the 2022-2029 period. The ninth phase represents a methodological response towards transdisciplinary aimed to generate solutions for a water secure world in a complex context. The approach and prioritization presented aligns with UNESCO’s principal mandates in the Sciences and Education and aims to be responsive to the needs of Member States and support them to capitalize on scientific and technological advances as they face water-related global challenges.

Representatives of the Center took contribution to the preparation of the IHP-IX Strategic Plan for 2022-2029 (‘Science for a Water Secure World in a Changing Environment’) and participated in the next working meetings:

    • Open-ended Working Group Meetings on IHP-IX Strategy
    • 1st meeting OEWG IHP-IX Operational Implementation Plan Confirmation with contribution in preparation of the IHP-IX Implementation Plan– WSDAC Expression of interest
    • 4th Extraordinary session of the Intergovernmental Council (IGC) of the Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP)
    • Webinar jointly organized by UNESCO and UNECE in their role as UN custodian agencies of the SDG 6 indicator 6.5.2 “Launch of the second Progress Report on Transboundary Water Cooperation. Global status of SDG indicator 6.5.2 and acceleration needs”
    • 60th session of the IHP Bureau
    • Technical Meetings – Thematic Groups for the IHP-IX Operational Implementation Plan 3-5 November 2021
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