
HP-UNESCO project Flood regime of the rivers in the Danube River basin (2007-2019)

Professor S. Prohaska with associates contributed in IHP-UNESCO project Flood regime of the rivers in the Danube River basin (2007-2019). This Project has been carried out through Regional Co-operation of the Danube Countries within the Frame of the International Hydrological Programme of UNESCO. The representative of Serbian IHP, WSDAC Centre and “Jaroslav Černi” Water Institute, prof. dr Stevan Prohaska was a member of the Project Steering committee and Chairman of two chapters in Project Monograph: Chapter 7- Coincidence of the flood flow of the Danube River and its main tributaries and Chapter 8-Theoretical design hydrographs at the hydrological gauging stations along the Danube River. The Slovak National Committee prepared the final version of the Project Monograph for IHP UNESCO at the Institute of Hydrology, Slovak Academy of Sciences. The National Committee of Slovakia took project Coordination of project for IHP, particularly the Institute of Hydrology SA.

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