2021 Participation

Participation in MAB-IHP Regional Symposium: Managing Water Resources in Biosphere Reserves in South East Europe and the Mediterranean, 16-17 December 2021, Venice (Italy), organized by UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe

The UNESCO Regional Bureau of Science and Culture in Europe organised a high-level MAB-IHP Regional Symposium at its premises in Venice, on 16-17 December 2021, with the aim of contributing to sustainable water management in the biosphere reserves of South-East Europe and the Mediterranean. The event convened 35 participants from MAB and IHP National Committees, UNESCO National Commissions, Chairs and Category 2 centres in ecohydrology, climate change, biodiversity, ecosystem services and biosphere reserves from 12 countries in the region. Dr Brankica Majkić-Dursun, the representative of the WSDAC Center, participated in the Symposium.
The main objective of the conference was to contribute to a sustainable water resources management model in the Biosphere Reserves of Southeastern Europe and the Mediterranean area. The different case studies, projects and solutions presented during the session will allow UNESCO, together with the network of Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves, to promote solutions and projects related to water resources in these territories.
Finally, the expected results obtained from this Symposium will be aimed to expand the exchange of knowledge regarding the river systems of SEE and Mediterranean, explore how the MAB and IHP programs can be applied in the different case studies presented and, above all, strengthen the relations between UNESCO regional networks, and other relevant actors, especially those working in Biosphere Reserves.

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Photo by UNESCO Regional Bureau UNESCO, Venice

Regional Bureau UNESCO 2
Photo by UNESCO Regional Bureau UNESCO, Venice


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