2024 News

Participation in the Workshop on data sharing and trust in transboundary water cooperation

Miodrag Milovanovic advisor in WSDAC and JCWI was invited to the Workshop on data sharing and trust in transboundary water cooperation organized as a part of the research project “Testing the Theory: How and Why Data Sharing Leads to Trust-building in Water Cooperation and Diplomacy” implemented by IHE Delft on 17-18 January 2024, and funded by the United Stated Institute of Peace (USIP).  The goal of the Workshop was to validate the preliminary findings from the conducted field research by presenting them to practitioners from the Sava and Syrdarya basins, as well as to generate additional data through focus group discussions. Mr Milovanović shared his experience as Serbian representative in the River Basin Management Group of the Sava Commission.

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