The second workshop, entitled: Current status of groundwater planning and management, professor Dimkić presented on the topic: ’’General remarks on groundwater management specifics’’, while the management of groundwater in the basin of the Danube river was presented in the paper entitled ’’European legislation and its implementation on selected river basins ‐ Danube, Tisza, Sava’’ by Dusan Djuric and Miodrag Milovanovic.
Representatives of the Institute, during the Congress, while promoting results of scientific and practical work of the Institute, used opportunity to meet and establish cooperation with leading international experts in the field of water.
World Water Congress, as a high‐profile event, is held every other year in the organization of the International Water Association (IWA) and attracts a large number of professionals, companies and institutions in the water sector, worldwide. Also, this event is an opportunity for the International Association for Water to present their work and plan for future activities.

World Water Congress, organized by the International Water Association (IWA), was held in Korea’s coastal metropolis of Busan from 16 to 21 September 2012.
Representatives of the Institute for Water Management ’’Jaroslav Černi’’ participated in the Congress, within two workshops, and with their presentations show the results of the Institute’s work in the domain of groundwater, as well as international cooperation.
’’Jaroslav Černi’’ Institut organized a workshop called Important processes for alluvial groundwater resources use and protection, chaired by Professor Milan Dimkic, director of the Institute. Professor Dimkic presented the topic: ‘’Significant processes and methods for alluvial groundwater use and protection’’. During the same workshop the paper entitled ’’The role of microbiological agents in a process of well colmation ‐ practical examples’’, by Vesna Obradovic and Prvoslav Marjanovic PHD, was also presented.