The Water for Sustainable Development and Adaptation to Climate Change 2nd category Centre under the auspices of UNESCO, hosted by Jaroslav Černi Water Institute and International Research and Training Centre for Urban Water Drainage 2nd category Centre under the auspices of UNESCO, hosted by Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade, jointly organized an International Seminar on Water Equity in Different Regions of the World under the Climate Change on 23 July 2019, following the launch of the 2019 World Water Development Report „Leaving No One Behind“. Representatives from 3 countries and over 30 experts were presenting and attending this Seminar (Sultanate of Oman, India and Republic of Serbia), including representatives of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, representatives of both national 2nd category Centres under the auspices of UNESCO and water experts from Jaroslav Černi Water Institute (JCWI). (The Final Report about Seminar held in WSDAC Centre is sent to Serbian Commission for UNESCO, Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe, Venecija, Italy, to Ms Simona Gallese, Engin Koncagul and prof. dr Stefanu Uhlenbrook – UNESCO World Water Assessment Programme, IAESTE Serbia and to prof. Jovan Despotović president of National IHP Committee. Report with photo documentation is given in Annex
International Seminar on Water Equity in Different Regions of the World under the Climate Change
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