
Webinar: Impacts of Climate Change on the Quality of Surface Waters in the Republic of Serbia and recommendations

In order to strengthen cooperation of different national focal points, exchange of experiences and knowledge in the field of climate change and their impact on the environment, WSDAC and WWF Adria jointly organize a Webinar “Impacts of Climate Change on the Quality of Surface Waters in the Republic of Serbia and recommendations ”. The webinar will be organized under the auspices of the Serbian National Commission for UNESCO.

Webinar will be organized through the TEAMS Platform, on 25 February 2021 from 10 -12 AM. The agenda in the Serbian Language is given below and could be downloaded.

You are welcome to participate in the webinar and give your valuable contribution during the open discussion. If you are interested in participating in the event please sent your e-mail according to the instructions given in Agenda.

Download Agenda: Impacts of Climate Change on the Quality of Surface Waters in the Republic of Serbia and recommendations

Download Report: Report Climate Change Impact on Surface Water Quality WSDAC 2021 with agenda

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