- Participation as invited speakers on Climate Platform organized by the Center for the Promotion of Science in Belgrade. On December 27, 2024, Dr Vesna Tripković and Luka Stojadinović, as invited speakers, attended the Climate Platform organized by the Center for the Promotion of Science in Belgrade. This event focused on exploring the latest scientific findings and strategies in the fight against climate change, with a particular emphasis on the upcoming challenges and opportunities… Read more: Participation as invited speakers on Climate Platform organized by the Center for the Promotion of Science in Belgrade.
- Participation as invited speakers on a training – course on the “General elements of monitoring, protection, and use of groundwater in North Macedonia”On December 18, 2024, Dr. Brankica Majkić-Dursun and Miodrag Milovanović, as invited guest speakers, gave an lecture at the training course on the “General elements of monitoring, protection and use of groundwater in North Macedonia”, organized by the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje on the topic “Implementation of… Read more: Participation as invited speakers on a training – course on the “General elements of monitoring, protection, and use of groundwater in North Macedonia”
- UNESCO’s WSDAC Centre participated in a International Forum The role of Engineering Education and Science in Achiving Sustainable Development Golas – New Chalanges and Solutions, Sankt Petersburg, RussiaA major International Forum on ‘The Role of Engineering Education and Science in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals – New Challenges and Solutions’ was organised by the International Competence Centre for Mining Engineering Education under the Auspices of UNESCO and St. Petersburg Mining University Empress Catherine II, from 11-15 November 2024. The Forum was attended by representatives of the World… Read more: UNESCO’s WSDAC Centre participated in a International Forum The role of Engineering Education and Science in Achiving Sustainable Development Golas – New Chalanges and Solutions, Sankt Petersburg, Russia
- PARTICIPATION ON INTERNATIANAL CONFERENCE FROM SLIDE RULE TO ARTFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, UNIVERSITY OF ST. CYRIL AND METHODIUS IN SKOPJEARTFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, UNIVERSITY OF ST. CYRIL AND METHODIUS IN SKOPJE The University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje organized the International Conference “From Slide Rule to Artificial Intelligence” as part of the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Faculty of Civil Engineering. As an invited speaker, Dr. Brankica Majkić-Dursun, the director of the… Read more: PARTICIPATION ON INTERNATIANAL CONFERENCE FROM SLIDE RULE TO ARTFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, UNIVERSITY OF ST. CYRIL AND METHODIUS IN SKOPJE
- Participation on 26th Council Week Hybride Side Event of UNESCO-IHP “Integrating Advanced Hydrological Sciences into Policy Formulation and Evaluation: Focusing on Water Security & Innovative SolutionsYoung researcher Marija Milovanović, a hydrologist, participated in the 26th Council Week Hybride Side Event of UNESCO-IHP “Integrating Advanced Hydrological Sciences into Policy Formulation and Evaluation: Focusing on Water Security & Innovative Solutions” organized by WSSM Republic of Korea. This side event focuses on how hydrology’s scientific advancements can effectively communicate with the general public… Read more: Participation on 26th Council Week Hybride Side Event of UNESCO-IHP “Integrating Advanced Hydrological Sciences into Policy Formulation and Evaluation: Focusing on Water Security & Innovative Solutions
- Participation on the China—Serbia Technological Workshop for Experts on Poverty Alleviation Through Science and TechnologyDr Željka Rudić and Dr Brankica Majkić-Dursun, participated in two days China—Serbia Technological Workshop for Experts on Poverty Alleviation Through Science and Technology organized by Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation Republic of Serbia and representatives of People’s Republic of China, Department of International Cooperation, CAAS (TBC) and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The… Read more: Participation on the China—Serbia Technological Workshop for Experts on Poverty Alleviation Through Science and Technology
- The Educational Visit of Students from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University “St. Cyril and Methodius”, from SkopjeOn May 29, 2024, a professional-educational visit of a group of students from undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral studies of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius” from Skopje, N.Macedonia was realized at the Jaroslav Černi Water Institute. The visit of students from Skopje to the Institute was carried out within… Read more: The Educational Visit of Students from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University “St. Cyril and Methodius”, from Skopje
- The IHP Citizen Science Working MeetingThe IHP Citizen Science Working Meeting on Output 1.10 of IHP IX Phase was organized on 24th April. Representatives of the WSDAC Center, Dr. Brankica Majkić-Dursun and Dr. Vesna Tripković, participated in the meeting. As part of Priority Area 1, Output 1.10, the meeting participants were presented with initial work on establishing an online Platform… Read more: The IHP Citizen Science Working Meeting
- Technical and Orientation Meeting of the Members of the Bureau of the IHP Intergovernmental Council and Meeting of the UNESCO Water FamilyRepresentatives of the WSDAC Center, Dr. Brankica Majkić-Dursun and Dr. Vesna Tripković, participated in the Technical and Orientation Meeting of the Members of the Bureau of the IHP Intergovernmental Council and Meeting of the UNESCO Water Family related to the preparation for the 26th session of the IHP Council (3-7 June 2024), the celebration of… Read more: Technical and Orientation Meeting of the Members of the Bureau of the IHP Intergovernmental Council and Meeting of the UNESCO Water Family
- Presentation in a Balkans Dam Safety – Best Practices WorkshopUSDA United States Department of Agriculture and The Nature Conservancy organized Balkans Dam Safety – Best Practices Workshop on 26-27. March 2024. The main objective of the workshop was to present best practices in dam management in the United States, as well as to review the situation and discuss dam management practices in Serbia and… Read more: Presentation in a Balkans Dam Safety – Best Practices Workshop